Floating Rule to identify the kind of Foods

Welcome to Yogahar/Natural Diet System (NDS) Website!

Hope you find all the information on this site useful and helpful to maintain a healthy lifestyle without medications, with no extra expenses and conveniently at home!

YogaAhar/Natural Diet System (NDS) teaches you small changes that you need to make in your daily routine diet to get rid of any and all medical conditions without medicines and at home in zero cost. In addition, it also teaches you simple, inexpensive, natural ways of eating the right food, the right way which you can implement to stay healthy and maintain your fitness all lifelong without any sideeffects!

YogaAhar/Natural Diet System (NDS) has cured/provided relief to a large extent in the following diseases up until now

    • Acidity
    • Constipation
    • Back Pain
    • Headaches
    • Indigestion
    • BP
    • Diabetes
    • Dialysis
    • Arthritis
    • Joint Pains
    • Thyroid
    • Skin related Diseases
    • Allergies
    • Chronic Cold, Cough
    • Psoriasis
    • Fever
    • Cancer
    • Eye Related Diseases/Conditions
    • Cholesterol
    • Tuberculosis
    • Obesity
    • Infertility
    • Asthma
    • And many more!
YogaAhar/Natural Diet System (NDS) is a simple system to follow! There is no one design for everyone but below is the general guideline for all! If you understand it completely and entirely, you will be able to design your own routine and diet schedule that caters to your likings, tastes and daily lifestyle!


    • For people above 25, if you do not exercise or do any kind of physical fitness throughout the day, fast for 6-8 hours (no food, no water, no beverages). This helps in daily cleansing of your body and blood! People below the age of 25 should fast for atleast 4 hours!


    • When hungry, drink green juice (made from seasonal green leafy vegetables -bhaaji, tomatoes, coriander leaves, curry leaves, lemon, salt/pepper and other ingredients added as per your taste) and after 1 hour, eat raw food like salads, fruits, vegetables, any kind of sprouted beans or any tasty recipe made from raw food (refer to the Raw Food Recipe YouTube channel for the same). Chew your raw food properly and enough to produce right amount of saliva required for digestion of the food you take!


    • People with any medical conditions follow the same routine as mentioned for lunch above. People without any illnesses or medical conditions can have cooked food (70% vegetables, soup, salad and 30% chapatis, rice, dal, khichdi). For excellent results, quit dairy products completely.


    • Enema / Travelling pump (for large intestine): To cleanse the body, Enema (also known as clyster) should be taken every day in the morning. People with higher constipation can take Enema twice daily, i.e., in the mornings and evenings. Enema should be taken until indigestion is cured fully. It is recommended to take Enema in lying position as it supports the cleaning process to happen faster. People with excessive weight and people with higher constipation should take Enema at night as well, just before going off to sleep. Watch the video on our YouTube channel, or any other site on Google or instructions manual that comes with the product. Should take 15 days continuously in the beginning in the mornings and evenings and after that once or twice a week. There are no side effects of Enema, please be rest assured. There are thousands of people in the World that can vouch for it.

Let’s look at the 5 KEY PRINCIPLES of YogaAhar/Natural Diet System (NDS)

Cleansing of your Body – Organs and Blood
Cleanse your body each day before adding any food or providing any kind of nutrition to it! Start your day with a fast (most effective way of cleansing your body of any and all toxins), or with sour/citric foods such as lemon 🍋 water, oranges 🍊 or any other citric foods that pleases your palate!
Eat your GREENS daily

One of the Key Principles of Natural Diet System (NDS) is to eat your greens daily! Greens provide the essential nutrition that your body needs and it is supremely important to provide your body daily with natural, seasonal, UNCOOKED green foods such as green leafy vegetables 🥬!

Chew your foods well

One of the Key Principles of Natural Diet System (NDS) is chew your foods (any kind, right from 🍕 to 🍝 to 🍞 to sweets, to keep all kinds of conditions and diseases at bay! Chew it enough to turn solid foods to liquids and liquid foods to solids! Drink your solids! This enables necessary amount of saliva to be produced in the mouth which aids in easy digestion resulting in disease free body! Also chew your liquids meaning drink them like you are eating them! This simple principle goes a long way in keeping your mind and body healthy in every which way possible! One can cure conditions like constipation, indigestion, obesity with this simple principle! Be on a lookout for our testimonials on this page proving this nature’s theory/rule! Take time to eat your foods basically! Do not rush and do not gulp!! Relax, savour and enjoy your meals even if you are the busiest person on planet earth 🌍! 😊👍

Quit Dairy Products if you are sick or have any kind of Medical Conditions

One of the Key Principle of Natural Diet System (NDS) is to quit dairy products if you are sick or suffering from any kind of medical condition. It only aggravates the condition and makes it worse! Key Principle of Natural Diet System (NDS): Quit dairy products if you are sick or suffering from any kind of medical condition. It only aggravates the condition and makes it worse!

Cleanse your Intestines Daily

One of the Key Principle of Natural Diet System (NDS) is to cleanse your Intestines, both small as well as large daily : Did you know majority of all diseases start because our intestines aren’t clean enough! You can and should clean your intestine to the point that they start shining like a newly bought mirror🪞! You can use our natural products and devices to clean your large and small intestines every week
1.For Large Intestine: Use our device ENEMA port2. For Small Intestine: Use our natural herbal product called Malshudhi powder/tablets◦ Order it online on this Website ◦ Do whatsapp for payment* or order it on this website! Use mobile number +91 9173602208 for Gpay, Paytm, Phonepe and UPI Apps

Floating Rule to identify the kind of Foods!

    • How do you identify which foods give energy and which ones give nutrition? So there’s a simple floating rule for foods! Take any food that you want to eat and imagine it in water. If it would float on water it would always provide nutrition (foods such as green leafy vegetables 🥬) and will not increase your body weight and cannot provide energy! And anything that sinks in water (foods which are heavy in weight) does not provide nutrition but ONLY energy (foods such as wheat 🌾, rice 🍚 ) and will increase weight if not utilised or consumed by the body fully! Now a simple caveat to remember if you cook the lighter foods, they become heavy in weight (right?)! So consume lighter foods such as green leafy vegetables, fruits in its raw, uncooked form to get the maximum nutrition out of it else you’ll end up consuming only energy foods all day, all life 🌎, thereby depriving your body of the essential nutrients!

Did You Know?

    • Did you know anything Sweet in Taste increases Weight?
    • Did you know anything Sour in Taste decreases Weight?

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