

Products made from milk of cows and buffaloes increases "Kapha (Ayurveda term) and Vayu (Ayurveda term)" in the body so avoid it when sick.


Insecticides spread on crops becomes poisonous when heated at high temperatures and is hard to digest. Hence regular intake of cooked food is not recommendable especially for those living in urban cities and do not have much physical exercise in their routine


Observ Nirjala upvas (Fasting) for 6-8 hours during the day as it allows your intestine to revive. According to Ayurveda, fasting is the supreme medicine.


Food which is cooked is not healthy. We recommend in-taking of raw food, it helps you being sturdy.


Eat as if you are drinking and drink as if you are eating.


Eat raw green leafy vegetables everyday as it helps in creating natural haemoglobin

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Food taken without being hungry water drank without being thirsty is equivalent to poison.

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Key Principles of YogAhar/NDS

YogaAhar/Natural Diet System (NDS) teaches you small changes that you need to make in your daily routine diet to get rid of any and all medical conditions without medicines and at home in zero cost. In addition, it also teaches you simple, inexpensive, natural ways of eating the right food, the right way which you can implement to stay healthy and maintain your fitness all lifelong without any sideeffects!

Cleansing of your Body – Organs and Blood

Eat your Greens daily

Cleanse your Intestines Daily

Chew your foods well
Quit Dairy Products if you are sick or have any kind of Medical Conditions
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